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Alex Amsterdam Album "Lonely streets and empty lanes" u.a.

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Autor Nachricht
Alex Amsterdam

Anmeldedatum: 10.07.2007
Beiträge: 2
Wohnort: Düsseldorf

BeitragVerfasst am: 10.07.2007 12:10    Titel: Alex Amsterdam Album "Lonely streets and empty lanes" u.a. Antworten mit Zitat

Hi Leute,

ich möchte euch heute mal mein aktuelles Album "Lonely streets and empty lanes" vorstellen. Hier einige Hörproben. Würde mich über ein bisschen Feedbach sehr freuen....
(Some kind of bliss)
(The pain )
(Feel nothing)
(Lost without a trace)
(Days of smile)
(Burning my cash),
(For a lifetime and beyond)

Ausserdem erhielt ich vor ein paar Tagen eine schöne Aufnahme von meinem Konzert mit Carus Thompson im Dortmunder FZW im Mai. Hier isset...

Some Kind Of Bliss

Feel Nothing

There Is Nothing As It Seems

Lost Without A Trace

Summer Rain

Signs Of Salvation

For A Lifetime And Beyond

Down With A Sound

One In A Million

Where’s The Eternity's%20the%20eternity.mp3

Days Of Smile

Burning My Cash

Und zu guter Letzt, hier noch ein paar bewegte Bilder von meinem intimen Studio-Konzert im chilligen Café Podcast in out !

Some kind of bliss
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Feel nothing
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There is nothing like it seems
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One in a million
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Summer Rain
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Down with the sound
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Signs of salvation
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Could it be so
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Leaving city
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For a lifetime and beyond
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Lost without a trace
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Burning my cash
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Days of smile
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Where's the eternity
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Sooo....das war's mal fürs erste. Ganz schön viel Zeugs, hmm ? Ich fänds ganz klasse wenn ihr mal euern Senf zu meinen Sachen dazugeben könntet...

Vielen Dank und bis densen,


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Anmeldedatum: 25.07.2009
Beiträge: 5

BeitragVerfasst am: 25.07.2009 05:53    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

HUMANS are not alone in struggling to stay slim. Some planets go through a "fat" stage that swells their waistlines temporarily, which possibly explains why some gas giants are unexpectedly large.

"Astronomers have power leveling found a lot of planets whose sizes cannot be explained by standard theory," says Laurent Ibgui of Princeton University. The difference between predicted and measured widths of so-called "hot Jupiters" can be 30 per cent or more.

Previously, astronomers assumed that, because cold gas takes up less volume than hot gas, hot Jupiters would shrink as they lost their initial heat.
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Now a computer simulation by Ibgui suggests this effect can be temporarily halted in hot Jupiters that begin life in highly elliptical orbits. These planets are alternately squeezed and stretched as they circle their stars, resulting in "tidal heating" that warms the gas inside the planet. This counteracts the cooling effect, inflating the planet - an effect that can last for a billion years or more. Eventually, though, the planet's orbit will become more circular, and the hot Jupiter resumes shrinking. Ibgui presented the research at an American Astronomical Society meeting in Pasadena, California, last week.
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The model doesn't quite explain the superpuffy appearance of all hot Jupiters, says Jonathan Fortney of the University of California, Santa Cruz. "It requires these planets to start their lives on very eccentric orbits, which is possible, but not currently the preferred scenario."
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Anmeldedatum: 14.01.2011
Beiträge: 5

BeitragVerfasst am: 14.01.2011 03:44    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

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